Whispers In Wraithwood Estate
A mysterious group of monsters check in for a gathering at the infamous Wraithwood Estate Hotel, a safe and secret haven for monsters and odd creatures shunned from society. Unbeknownst to all, the night will take a sinister turn...  As a fellow employee goes missing, you’ve been tasked with uncovering the disappearance before it’s too late. Investigate the manor, find clues to fill your evidence board, and figure out the mysteries of Wraithwood Estate before the killer can strike again! 
Gameplay Demo Video
Development Stage - Concept Design
Gameplay Music Samples:

Main Menu Theme

Ending B - Outro Theme

Exploration Cue - Mid-Game

Atmospheric Exploration Cue - Discovery

Project Description
This game focuses heavily on its murder mystery narrative. It features gameplay of secrets hidden in an “open level” where each room and character has clues to unveil. As you progress through the story, you will collect evidence with an inventory system, speak with NPCs with complex decision-based options for dialogue, and uncover secrets from the illusive hotel manager. The player wins once they have gathered all the evidence, and they are ready to select and accuse a perpetrator.
The target audience for this game is PC users who would enjoy a play-at-your-own-pace first-person murder mystery game. This game offers an intellectual challenge for players in the form of finding clues to solve a murder, making it perfect for those who are fans of psychological thrillers and uncovering hidden secrets. The early 1900s aesthetic of the environments in the game draw in gamers who prefer a classic old-school mystery story.
This project is from a Team Studio course at Lindenwood University as a part of the Master's in Game Design degree fulfillment. The assignment was for our team of 18 designers and developers to create a narrative game within the span of only 8 weeks. My roles in this project were: Sound Design Lead and Music Composer (developed all sounds and music), Level Design, Concept Design, Story/Narrative Writing and Quality Testing.
Lindenwood University Digital Commons Submission Project

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