The following collection of tracks are one-night live produced original tracks with no samples or pre-prepared content. After the single night of production, the tracks are uploaded and forever untouched. They are also all self-performed instrument tracks. This means no drag-and-drop, auto-tune, pencil tool or digital support aside from basic mixing and mastering. The instruments were all played live - whether it was a MIDI controller, piano, drum kit, guitar or bass.
This series is a passion project being conducted for the sake of narrowing artistry into specific lenses to practice spontaneously adapting to new projects and themes. The feelings, inspirations and guidelines for each track were given to me by third parties;
For each, I am given a prompt and a single night to write, arrange, mix and master each track.
Each prompt was given to me as a simple phrase (which is the title of each track) along with a picture generated from AI with a secret/undisclosed prompt elaborating the idea further. AI tools were not used to create the music, arrangement, or sound in any way; it was simply used by the creators of each prompt to generate the visual aid as part of the challenge.
Like a Dream


soarin' Eagle

Hard from the Start